Home > MIFF 37ºSouth Market > Program Archive > Screen Diversity 2018
Screen Diversity: Breaking Barriers & Building Bridges
Join filmmaker guests of the festival and local practitioners as they discuss some of the core issues integral to building an inclusive screen industry that reflects, and is enriched by, Australia’s diversity. Panellists include directors Sari Braithwaite ([CENSORED]); Isabella Eklöf (Sundance-selected Holiday); Composer Evelyn Morris (Acute Misfortune); The Dressmaker producer Sue Maslin; and Accelerator alumni Nora Niasari, Corrie Chen, John Sheedy (Mrs McCutcheon), and Finke: There and Back’s Dylan River & Isaac Elliott.
Sat 11 Aug 12:30pm-2:00pm; ACMI Studio 1
*$15 (MIFF passes not valid)